Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Wedding Planner is my favorite chick flick

Post contributed by Toni Jensen

My boyfriend bought me some DVD's for my birthday and I noticed one of them was the Wedding Planner. I always wanted to see this movie and never made time.

I made some popcorn for us as he popped it into the DVD player so we could watch this chick flick on satellite tv! It was so funny and romantic at the same time. It was about a lonely wedding planner, played by Jennifer Lopez, that unknowingly falls for her client's fiance, played by Matthew Mcconnaughey. It got even funnier when Jennifer's self proclaimed fiance comes into the picture! He was a cutie! Midway through the movie, Jennifer decides that they should be professional about everything and she assured him she was only around to plan the wedding for him and his fiancee and nothing more would ever happen.

There were some definite funny moments in this movie and in the end, he decided he didn't want to marry his fiance. She didn't want to marry him either! He went looking for Jennifer before she went and married the self proclaimed fiance because he realized he loved her. He finds her where they first realized they had feelings for each other and you know the rest. I really love this film. My boyfriend said it's one of the funnier chick flicks he has seen on free satellite tv in California in awhile too. I recommend you see it at least once!

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